Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Natural Remedies or Home remedies

Natural Remedies or Home remedies for Hysteria( A neurotic Disorder)

Dr.VS.Suresh Phd .,  Email : bksureshv@gmail.com
Hysteria( A neurotic Disorder)
This is the disease of mental disorder because of intense anxiety. It occurs to both males and females. Mostly to the young ladies in the age between fourteen to twenty four years. Its occurrence is because of the uncontrolled over the acts and also emotions.
1.       Feels heaviness in the limbs.
2.       Difficulty while breathing
3.       Swelling of the neck.
4.       Sometimes severe headache.
5.       Clenching of the teeth.
6.       Painful constriction of chest.
7.       Violent and terrible heart beats.
8.       Frightening convulsions.
1.       Sexual repression
2.       Sometimes hereditarily occurrence.
3.       The emotional situations by mental strain, idleness, stress, fear and worry mind.
1.       Honey is a beneficial remedy for this  diseases , taking one tea spoonful honey, daily once, gives the effective relief in few days.
2.       Put some Jam fruits in the jug water mixed with salts at least for a week , to use at least three fruits daily in empty stomach for a couple weeks. The patient will get relief from the disease.
3.       The herb rawwakfia is very beneficial in this disease . The powdered root of this herb is to be mixed in a cup filled with milk and should be daily in the morning time till a complete cure.
4.       To adopt an all fruit diet for two to three weeks continuously.
5.       To use very much the juicy fruits like pineapples. Apples grapes. Oranges, Papayas, etc instead of meals.
6.       A diet of milk may be followed proportionally with all fruit after consulting with the expert doctors.
1.       Alcoholic food and liquids should be given up completely.
2.       Usage of tobacco and practice of smoking should be avoided.
3.       White sugar and white flour products should not be used.
4.       The patient should practice the self controlling capacity.
5.       Proper sex education is to be given to the married people, through reading the good books referring to the subject.
6.       The patients should take away their minds from self and induce cheerfulness.
7.       Some yogasanas like Bhujagansana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Halasana etc are protective for remedy to the patients caused by hysteria.
8.       Weak patients should not be forced for yogasanas.

Natural Remedies or Home remedies for Gout (painful bony joint)

Gout (painful bony joint)
This type of disease refers to the form of inflammation of joints and also swellings. Mostly this disease attacks middle aged men and sometimes women after menopause. This disease is also called as painful bony joint.
Causes and symptoms:
1.       Commonly this type of disease begins by the acute pain in the big toe.
2.       This even affects the joints like the knees and the wrists.
3.       This occurs mostly during midnight or early in the morning, when the patient is disturbed in his sleep.
4.       This disease, remains with pain even for a weak. Mean while the slight fever may also occurs the patient.
5.       Another symptom is the presence of kidney stones, having uric acid. In this condition kidneys do not function properly.
6.       The main Reason for this disease is the formation of uric acid crystals in the joints, kidneys and also in skin.
7.       The patient affected from this disease, uric acid in the blood will be more than in normal and passes out by the kidneys in the urine.
8.       When uric acid fills the blood in large quantity, it can’t be dissolved in the blood . If forms as the crystals in the needle shaped , in the joints, skin kidneys.
9.       Gout may also occur because of the habitual usage of alcoholic drinks, more eating’s of such foods containing protein and carbo hydrates very much.
10.   It may even occur because of lack of regular and proper exercises, physical as well as mental stress.
11.   Remedies:
1.       Raw vegetables combined juices by carrot, beetroot and cucumber are beneficial to his disease, when taken daily once or twice for a weak.
2.       The patient may use bananas daily as his food for a weak.
3.       Apples are also good remedy , when gouts occurs because they contain malic acid in them .Apples thus used, neutralizes the uric acid and gives relief from pain to the patients.
4.       Lime juice is also protective against gout . Because limejuice contains the Vitamin C and also the citric acid which  is solvent of the uric acid . Lime juice may be taken daily twice for a couple of days for the recovery from the disease.
5.       The use of orange juice is the best remedy for gout ,  of all.
6.       Epsom salts Baths are very beneficial to the sufferers of this disease.
7.       Walk in fresh air and out  door exercise are needful for the patients , suffered by the gouts.
The patient should avoid the usage of such food containing uric acid products.
1.       It is better not to use the eggs, meat and etc.
2.       The patient has to avoid the usage of coffee, tea and also white flour products.

Natural Remedies or Home remedies for Severe Headache

Severe  Headache(Migraine)
Severe Headache with Nausea is knows as Migraine. Ache will be only on one side of the head . In this condition , there will be disorders in digestion, the liver  and also in vision. This ailment is caused mostly because of the heavy mental strain or tension. This disease occurs suddenly.
Causes and Symptoms
1.       The pain will not only be on one side  of the head, but also come out from the eye.
2.       Sometimes the pain will occurs on both sides of the head simultaneously.
3.       It may attack daily or frequently as the physical condition would be.
4.       There will be the pounding pain and there may be vomiting sometimes in this situation.
5.       It gives a peculiar warming before starting.
6.       The patient feel numbness in his arm or leg.
7.       Improper sleep and rest is also a symptom for this disease.
8.       Excess in smoking and even the sexual inductance are also the causes of the disease.
1.       The ripe grape juice is quite beneficial even to this disease .
2.       After crushing a few cabbage leaves , they must be placed in a cloth and bound on the fore head, when there is pain . This ancient folk remedy gives gradual relief to the patients of this type.
3.       Even the lemon crusts are found beneficial as the home remedy for migraine .
4.       Certain combination of vegetable juice by carrot, cucumber, beetroot etc, has also been considered to be the good treatment for the recovery of migraine.
1.       It is better for the patient to fast on orange juice.
2.       Even the juice of vegetables is beneficial while having fast.
3.       It is better to avoid overeating.
4.       White flour products, rich cakes, confectionery, pickles condiments and even the oily foods should be avoided.
5.       Copious water-drinking is a remedy drinking during the period.
6.       Cold water should not be used for food bath, but hot water to be used.
7.       The patient should be also start more and more exercises and better to walk more in the fresh air.

Natural Remedies or Home remedies for Common Cold

Common Cold
Another name for this ailment is “acute coryz’. This “common cold” will be occurring to one and all in all occasions. That is why it so called. This is inflammation of respiratory treat, Caused by the infection with common cold viruses. It is a very miserable and nasty condition of the patient because it remains troubling him even for tend days some times.
Causes and Symptoms:
1.       Feeling of soreness in the throat.
2.       This ailment normally begins in the throat and nose, but affects the complete body.
3.       The noise will continuously be running and sneezing .
4.       Even the temperature of the body rises.
5.       In the period of “common cold”  , headache may also trouble.
6.       The skin around the nostrils may sore. This ailment is caused by (1). Exposer to cold,(2).mental depression ,(3) lack of sleep, (4) sudden change in temperature, (5) fatigue etc.
Remedies :
1.       Usage of lemon juice is more beneficial when the patient is affected by cold. Because it increases body resistance decrease toxicity . Besides reduces the duration of the illness.
2.       Let the turmeric powder be mixed in warm milk  and taken once or twice daily according to the suggestion of the doctor. The patient may get relief.
3.       Boil the ginger pieces in hot water. After straining pour one or ten tea spoon of sugar. Drink the decoction in a limit with the advice of the doctor.
4.       Prepare ginger tea by boiling the ginger with tea leaves for certain time. Drink the decoction in a limit.
5.       Cut pieces of ladies fingers boiled in the water also gives relief and drink once or twice a day.
6.       Tamarind and pepper rasam is a well known home remedy when the common cold attacks. By using this the nose and eyes water are cleared.
1.       When there is common cold the patient should give up all  types of boiled foods. It is better to drink only fruit and vegetable juices. That too diluted with water.
2.       The well balanced diet is to be taken only after a little relief.
3.       It is better to avoid all the nonveg food.
4.       Even cheese and starchy food, should not be used.

Natural Remedies or Home remedies for Common fever

Common fever(seasonal feverishness)
When the condition of the body temperature goes beyond the normal fever arises. This is the common ailments occurring from children to old men.
Causes and symtopms:
1.       fever  begins with slight shivering. The patient gets headache.
2.       He feels very thirsty and tired.
3.       The pulse and respiration rate increases.
4.       Heavy sweating from the body’s fight against infection . The accumulation of morbid matter due to irregular and wrong feeding habits are the main cause for all sorts of fevers.
1.       Dry grape is the easy and valuable diet when there is fever. Because it quenches the thirst and decrease the heat of the body.
2.       The tea prepared from saffron is also good treatment when there is fever the tea to be given in teaspoon for every hour without any break till the temperature returns to the normal.
3.       Even the tea prepared by fenugreek is very beneficial for fever. This liquid has the power to dissolve the sticky substance like muteness etc.
4.       Orange juice is the favourable  liquid food to the patients in fever. The juice provides energy in the body, increase urninary ouput.
5.       Prepares the juice of apricot. Mix a tea spoon of honey or glucose. This is a very cool drink for fever.

1.       It is better to put the patient fast of the grape and orange juice. The juice to be taken in the warm water once in every ten hours. After the temperature decreases , the patient may use the all fruit diet and then gradually may embark. Upon the well balanced diet according to the age. And the doctor’s advice.
2.       Cold compresses may be applied when the temperature rises highly.
3.       Even the cold pack may be applied for the complete body.
4.       Hot water  bottles may be kept on the feet and beside the body.
5.       When the patient is kept an on orange juice fast, a warm water enema is to be given daily to cleanse the bowels

Natural Remedies or Home remedies for Back Ache

Back Ache

These very common ailments now days.
Reason for Back Ache:
1.       Because of the sedentary living habits.
2.       Heavy and hazardous work.
3.       Psychological conditions just as emotional stress.
4.       Overweight persons suffer from back ache because of carrying an extra load, rather than the weight of the entire body.
Symptoms of back Ache:
1.       The pain is commonly felt either in the middle or lower portion of the back .
2.       Sometimes it may spread both sides of the waists and hips.
3.       In this condition of heavy pain the patient will not even be able to move. He is completely bedridden.
4.       The back pain is caused even because of the muscular tension, incorrect nutrition by cause of the die tic errors and also because of the strain in joints.
5.       Female disorders chromic suffering form flu may also lead the backache.
1.       Use of garlic is an easiest home remedy, when there is backache.
2.       Every early morning in this condition , the patient must be habitual in taking 2 or 3 cloves every morning .
3.       Garlic oil when rubbed on the back , also gives good relief.
4.       Lemon juice should be mixed with common salt and should be taken atleast dialy twice to get good relief .
5.       If the patient eats the fruit s of chebulic myroblan daily after the meals also gets relief.
6.       Applying the raw patato in the form of poultice on  the back when there is pain , also given good relief.

1.       Fatty fried foods and curds should be avoided in this condition.
2.       Smoking to be given up completely . Shalbasana , Halasana, Shavasana, are very beneficial to get relief . Better to use fruit and milk as breakfast.
3.       Steamed vegetables and wheat chapathi for lunch . Raw salad and sprouts during the dinner time. Fresh fruit and juice in the evening bananas, not be used in this conditions.
4.       Lightly cooked or steamed vegetables should be used.

Natural Remedies or Home remdiesforHeadAche:

This is the very common disease now a days .This disease affects each and every one sometime or other. Headaches are caused because
1.       By temporary upsets.
2.       Warming of the nature when something is wrong, somewhere in the body.
Causes of Headache:
1.       Because of allergy, eyestrain, sudden emotion, low blood sugar tension, infection and the presence of poisons and toxins in our body.
2.       Usage of strong cheese, alcoholic food, chocolates, milk  products in excess.
3.       Often even the allergies become the cause for several types of headaches.
1.       Usage of lemon juice squeezing in a cup, full of tea for immediate relief.
2.       Applying the lemon crusts on the forehead.
3.       By eating the inner hard portion of a ripened apple with salt daily at least  for a week.
4.       The flowers of henna, rubbed in vinegar to be applied on the forehead when the headache is caused by hot sun.
5.       Certain herbs like cinema, Marjoram is advantageous in the treatment of headache, caused in the cold air.
6.       By undertaking a short fast.
7.       Using fruits for breakfast, both fresh and dried.
8.       Foods containing protein like breads may be used
9.       Spices, condiments, sour, buttermilk, to be avoided.
10.   May use a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey as a remedy.
11.   Hot foot baths are more advantageous in the treatment of long standing (chronic headache)
12.   Certain asanas and Pranayamas are beneficial in the treatment of headaches.

Natural Remedies or Home remdiesfor Acne

This is a common skin disease. This disease is both common and chronic . Commonly this disease comes to the people between age of ten to twenty four.
The presence of comedones, pimples, scars, blackheads on the face. Black heads are common in different kinds of Acne. Sometimes entire body will be covered with blackheads and even the scars also appear.
Reason of Acne:
1. Because of irregular eating habits.
2. Wrong eating habits.
3. Chronic constipation
4. Excess usage of sugar and starch.
5. Because of unhygienic living habits.
6. Excessive use of coffee, tea,tobacoo etc.
Remedies for Acne
1. To treat acne niacin and the food containing vitamin A may be used successfully.
2. Zinc is also useful to cure this disease, now day’s zinfet tablets are available in the druggist shops. But care to be taken for the suggestions by the experienced doctors.
3. Grated cucumber may be applied on the spots where Acne appears.
4. Even the orange peel is effective in the local treatment of this disease.
5. Lemon juice may be applied regularly to get relief from this disease.
6. Garlic usage is also found effective for the disappearance of scars and pimples.
7. With the help of proportionate usage of all fruit diet, at least for a weak.
8. Taking a warm water enema daily in cleaning the bowels.
9. By the avoidance of meats, sugar, alcoholic drinks etc.
10. If is better to avoid, using pickles, candies etc.

Natural Cure(Remedies) for Premature Ageing

Nothing is more certain than the  passage fo time and the changes that come with it. Whether we like it or not we are all growing older every day . Naturally we all wish we could stay young and full of energy. But many people have preamature ageing which is a common thing now days. We must there for find ways to adjust our minds even as nature seeks to adjust our bodies to the changes of time.

What makes a person grow old? This had been the great question even for Lord Buddha which made him to search for eternity. 

Today many people  are looking for some magic pill or tonic or a series of injections or even an operation that might help to prolong their years. So they run from one doctor to doctor to another , hoping to find something that will keep them young and vigorous for a few more years, 

Is there any way of turning back the clock of time and preventing these things from coming on? Unfortunately not. But we can do much to delay this process by making it a lifelong habit to choose the right diet. But we can do much to delay the process by making it a life long  habit  to choose the right diet. 

Here are is the mudra that help in curing Premature ageing: 
Premature ageing/graying of hair: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , 

Some Natural remedies or cure for premature ageing are:

  •  Indian gooseberry Prevents Ageing :- Indian gooseberry has revitalizing effects. It contains an element which is very valuable in preventing ageing and in maintaining strength in old age. It improves body resistance and protects against infection. It strengthens the heart, hair and Different glands in the body. It is said that the great ancient sage Muni Chyawan rejuvenated himself in his late 70s and regained his virility  by the use of amla.
  • Amaranth(China spinach) for Premature Ageing: The regular  use of amaranth is useful in preventing premature old age. It prevents the disturbance of calcium and iron metabolism which usually occurs in old age. According to Dr. van sylke calcium molecules begin to get deposited in the bone tissues as one becomes old. This haphazard calcium distribution is influenced by the improper molecular movements of iron in the tissues . If this molecular disturbance of calcium and iron is prevented by regular supply of food calcium and iron as found in amaranth and the health is maintained by its regular use from the early age, the process of ageing can be prevented.
  • Cabbage prevents Premature Ageing: Research has shown that cabbage contains several elements and factors which enhance the immunity of the human body and arrests its premature ageing . The vegetable is of great value for persons of advancing age. Some of the elements help prevent the formation of patches on the walls of blood vessels and stones in the gall bladder. It has been found that a combination of vitamin P and C in cabbage lends strength to the blood vessels.
  • Curd   prevents Premature Ageing:  Curd  has been associated with longevity. Prof Elic Metchnikoff , a noble prize winning Russian bacteriologist at the Pateur institute, believed that preamture  old age and decay could be prevented by taking sufficient curd in the daily diet. He made an intensive study of the problem of old age in the early 20 th century . He came to the conclusion that the body is slowly being poisoned and its resistance weakened by man's normal diet and that this poisioning process could be arrested and the intestinal tract kep healthy by the contant , regular use of yoogurt or some variety of acidophilus milk.

    Nature and Home remedies for Acne or Pimples

    Acne or Pimples
    Pimples are very common in young people during their teen years. This condition which is also know as acne , is apparently due to certain hormone changes within the body . It is particularly prevalent during early adolescence, from twelve to sixteen years of age and is more likely to occur in those who have an oily skin. In the early stages a black head or comedone blocks the outlet of an oil gland within in the skin. This is not a serious problem, for it leaves no permanent effect.
    If the sebaceous dust ruptures and the oily material oozes out between the layers of the skin instead of coming to the surface, there may be a cyst or swelling known as a sebaceous cyst. These are somewhat disfiguring , but not harmful unless they become infected and form small abscesses. When these heal they may  leave ugly scars. Severe acne may occur over the shoulders, the back and chest as well as the face and neck.
    Effects of Diet: Acne is not caused by diet, but certain foods definitely aggravate this condition , especially in some patients. Rich foods , such as chocolate, nuts,cola drinks, ice-cream, fatty meats and excessive amounts of sugar all seem to aggravate this condition. Certain drugs , such as those containing bromides and iodides , may also play a part in some people.
    Some girls develop one or two pimples just before menstruation. These only last a day or two and are of no consequence. But when acne continues over months or years , it is very distressing, especially to a young woman, and something should be definitely be done to clear up the condition. Nervous tension due to family trouble may also play a part in continuing this difficult problem. Even in its mildest form , acne usually persists for a year or more until the hormone system of the body has become fully adjusted.
    Treatment:  Keep the skin clean by thorough washing two or three times a day with a good toilet soap, or some natural gram powder . Some slightly  abrasive soap will help to eliminate blackheads , but it should be used with care, particularly if the skin is inflamed. Smaller black heads may carefully removed by the use of a Schamberg loop Extractor. It is better if some other member of the family odes this. Warm most towels applied to the face for ten to fifteen minutes before the treatment will make the removal of black heads easier, if pus  has formed under the skin , be careful not open the pimple until it is ready to drain. Squeezing and pinching of the skin may extend the inflammation and delay healing, and may also cause scarring of the face.
    Orange: The orange peel is valuable in the treatment   of pimples and acne. The peel , pounded well with water on a piece of stone, should be applied to the affected areas. It is said to be more effective , if it is pounded with the rain water.
    Diet : Avoid all rich foods, excessive amounts of sugar and particularly chocolate and nuts. Especially young girls who are real fond of chocolates think about your beautiful face before eating them!
    Choose a plain, well balanced diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink water and fruit juices, but avoid highly sweetened drinks. Extra vitamin A tablets should be added to the diet.
    Try to sleep at least eight hours every night. Avoid all nervous strain and follow the principles of good living as far as possible for these are essential to health.

    Nature Cure for Acidosis

    These are following Nature food that may help in curing Acidosis.
    Acidosis is a condition in which the acidity of body fluid is abnormally high. The raisins with their excess of alkalinity are helpful in maintaining the acid balance of the body. Studies conducted by Saywell in the University of California have shown that the free use of raisins, Say about 1.05 gm. daily, will greatly reduce the acidity of the urine. The urinary ammonia is also reduced. The organic acid of the raisins is completely oxidized. The free use of raisins is valuable in combating chronic acidosis which generally results from the excessive consumption of meat and cereals.
    Spinach is also a rich source of calcium and other alkaline elements which are essential for keeping the tissues clean and for preserving the alkalinity of the blood. It , therefore , helps prevent chronic diseases  which thrive on the formation of too much acid in the system
    Tomato is essentially an alkaline vegetable. It acid taste is due to malic acid which is about 0.5 % . It also contains 0.52% to 1.81% citric acid and only a trace of oxalic acid. These acids in tomatoes, in combination with sodium and potassium either form sodium or potassium acid malate, citrate or oxalate. Their end products, when oxidized in the body , are carbon dioxide , water and the carbonates of potassium and sodium. The later has alkaline reaction. Tomatoes, thus leave an alkaline ash in the process of being oxdised by the body. This increases the alkalinity of the blood and decreases the urine and neutralizes the acid compounds of the body such as phosphates, treatment of acidosis and other disease associated with too much acid in the system.

    Mudra therapy and Natural Cure for Acidity

    Mudra an effective alternative therapy which can be used to cure many diseases, It always better to use alternate therapies and natural way rather then continuous medicines .Here is the link for the mudra for Acidiy
    Acidity : Prithvi-vardhakKapha-KaarakJal-shaamak
    Some Natural Foods that help in curing Acidity.
    In spite of its often sharp, sub-acid taste, the fresh grapefruit has an alkaline reaction after digestion. The citric acid of the fruit is  oxidized in the human system and hence the effect is to increase the alkalinity of the fluids of the body. Its juice is beneficial in the prevention and treatment of acidity and many diseases caused by too much acid in the system.
     The citric acid in limes has an alkaline reaction in the system. This acid together with the mineral salts present in the juice, helps the digestion by assisting in the absorption of fats and alcohol and by neutralizing excessive bile produced by the liver. The juice counteracts the effects of greasy food and reduces gastric acidity. It is, therefore, especially valuable in the treatment of peptic ulcers.
    The mature dried coconut is valuable in the treatment of acidity. Its oil reduces the acid secretion of the stomach and gives much relief to the patient.
    Honey is useful in maintaining the health of the stomach. It tones up the stomach diseases. It also decreases the over production of hydrochloric acid there by preventing symptoms like nausea, vomiting and heart burn . When purified faecal matter and undigested foods are present in the alimentary canal, honey acts as a laxative and emetic and clears the digestive canal of waste matter.
    Sugarcane is valuable in burning micturation due to high acidity , gonorrhea, enlarged prostate  , cyctits and  nepthrits. For better results, it should be mixed with lime juice, ginger juice and coconut water.
    Mudra and Natural cure and Remedies for hair loss and baldness

    A full, healthy head of hair is associated with youth, success, and beauty, and who doesn't want that?

    So I got many mails regarding mudra for hair loss. I had given that mudra  but for those who still searching for mudra for hair loss here is the link for that..

    Hair-loss/greying: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra

    These mudra for Hair-loss will work internally to strengthen your hair by increase necessary elements of your body.

    Partial or complete loss of hair on the scalp is rather common among men. This more or less expected in the male, but it is very distressing when it occurs in the female . Premature baldness or hair loss is a tendency  in certain families. Thinning of the hair is often seen in older women , but complete baldness in the female is fortunately rare. Temporary Baldness may occur following a fever or some prolonged illness. The hair usually returns after patient has recovered from illness. Sudden loss of hair in certain areas, a condition called alopecia areata,, may some times follow exteme nervous shock. This may clear up in few weeks, although some time it will recur
    But in this modern world(What a common man call)  hair  loss is common to every  man or woman in this generation. Our  older generations never faced this situation apart some people who had  Baldness in their family,,

    So what is the main cause that people now days loss their hair in young age The reason is obvious  pollution, change in life style and unplanned nutrition less eating habits.

    In olden  days the foods have  enough nutrients that help the body to combat all the disorders  but now days we don't eat or apply any natural  things Believing that is old style and we are after the those products what  modern science had given us. I can say one word Science is boon to  humanity that is why your able to read my views but it is bane  also.It  is the one which causes the problem which is not needed  and it is the one which gives the solution.  So I am not blaming science for you hair loss even I have a little bit hair loss . But one thing is sure that  there many things  in this  world which  can  be prevented using natural way . Science must be used to prevent rather than cause.

    So here some Natural Remdies for Hair  disorders and hair-loss and Baldness.

    Hibiscus  for Hair loss.
    Hibiscus is a common garden plant with a variety of flowers sure to attract everyone’s attention. Apart from providing beauty and elegance to gardens and backyards of houses, hibiscus has several medicinal properties. It is a handy medicinal recipe for problems like dandruff, hair fall, premature greying of hair, high blood pressure, upper respiratory tract infections and indigestion.

    Hibiscus is generally consumed as hibiscus tea, available in the market. One can also prepare hibiscus tea at home. It is quite simple to prepare a cup of fresh hibiscus tea, which can be consumed as a general health tonic to keep the physiological functions of the body in perfect condition.
    Take fresh flowers from a hibiscus plant and dry them under the sun. Crush them into a powder and keep it in a clean and dry bottle. Whenever you feel like taking hibiscus tea, take a teaspoon full of powder and add it to a cup of water. Boil the mixture, filter it and allow the hibiscus tea to cool. You may add honey or lemon or a little bit of sugar to add taste.
    Ayurveda and Unani doctors recommend the use of hibiscus tea early in the morning for a day-long feeling of good health.
    Home Remedies
    * Hibiscus tea is often suggested as the best home and quick remedy for high blood pressure. Regular consumption of hibiscus tea will keep the blood pressure under check, preventing major health complications.
    * If you are obese and want to reduce your weight, hibiscus tea is the best bet. Research studies have shown that hibiscus tea reduces the blood cholesterol levels in arteries and ensures that blood flows through them without any interruption. Blockade of arteries is a serious problem which may even lead to death if the coronary arteries are involved.
    * If it is a hot and sultry day and you feel exhausted, then go in for a cup of cool hibiscus tea.
    * Body inflammation and swelling can be reduced through hibiscus tea, as it is believed to be a good diuretic.
    * Paste prepared from fresh leaves and flowers of hibiscus can be applied on the scalp for treatment of dandruff. It is good for hair growth too. hibiscus shampoo prevents hair fall.

     Indian gooseberry  
    • Prevents Ageing :- Indian gooseberry has revitalizing effects. It contains an element which is very valuable in preventing ageing and in maintaining strength in old age. It improves body resistance and protects against infection. It strengthens the heart, hair and Different glands in the body. It is said that the great ancient sage Muni Chyawan rejuvenated himself in his late 70s and regained his virility  by the use of amla.
    • Hair Tonic :- Indian gooseberry is an accepted hair tonic in traditional recipes for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. The fruit, cut into pieces, is dried preferably in shade. These pieces are boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. This darkish oil is an excellent oil to prevent graying. The water in which dired amla pieces are soaked overnight is also nourishing to hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair.
    Bengal gram:
    Washing the hair with Bengal gram flour, keeps them clean, soft and free from hair diseases.
    Washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram dhal and fenugreek lengthens nhair, keeos them black and cures dandruff.
    Sesame Seeds.
    Crushed leaves of sesame are considered beneficial in the treatment  of dandruff. A decoction made from the leaves and root is used as hair wash. It I s said to prevent  premature graying of hair and promote their growth.


    coriander  leaves
    Using the paste of the fresh coriander  leaves on the scalp help sprout up fresh hair. Continue this treatement for about a month to discern the effective result . If green coriander be not available , you may use the pulp of the dried coriander seeds. Grind these seeds abd apply the paste on your scalp for a fortnight . This is a tried and tested remedy for baldness.
    A typical oil of coriander is also prepared in following way, which is very effective  medicine not only for ensuring good hair growth but also for keeping the head cool and clear.
    Take about a kilo of green coriander leaves add, Half a kilo water and half a kilo sweet oil and boil together in a steel utensil. When whole of the water content is brunt, leaving only oily  substance , take it off the fire and add any permissible color if you want.. Using this oil for head massage bring benign coolness to the brain and head. You may use it to massage any part of  the body if any burning sensation is felt . Massaging whole body with this oil in summers is very beneficial.

     Pigeon Pea
    A fine paste made of Pigeon Pea pulse is highly useful in bald patches. It should be applied regularly.

    Fruit Cure

    Fruits are highly beneficial in maintaining acid-alkaline balance in the body. They neutralize the toxic   condition of the body resulting from excessive intake of acid –forming foods and restore its alkalinity. They help clear the system of morbid waste and cater to the body’s requirement of natural sugar, vitamins and minerals.
    Adolf Just, the world famous Naturopath, in his book Return to Nature  states, “Fruits alone contain healing draughts for man; Nature offers them readymade, they taste deliciously and are sure to cure all his sufferings and disease. Fruits Contains nectar and ambrosia.”
    Fasting is considered as Nature’s Oldest and most effective method of treating diseases. The best and safest way of fasting is ‘juice fasting ‘. The procedure is to take the juice of an orange or  any other juicy fruits , such as grapes ,mosambi, grapefruit and pineapple, diluted in 50:50 with water, every two hours from 8.am to 8p.m . Nothing else, whatsoever, may be taken, as otherwise the value of the juice fast will be entirely lost. Canned or frozen juices should not be used. The total daily liquid intake should be about six to eight glasses.
     Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements contained in fresh fruit juices are extremely beneficial in normalizing all the body processes. They supply needed elements for the body’s own healing activity and cell regeneration and thereby speed up the recovery. Each day, while fasting it should be ensured that the bowels are cleansed of the toxic matter thrown off by the self cleansing process set up by the body. This can be done by a warm water enema.
    Next to the short juice fasting, the all fruit diet is nature’s finest eliminating medium. The value of fresh juicy fruits in diseases by the cleansing of tissues, is incalculable. The all fruit diet is highly beneficial particularly in cases of bronchitis, rheumatism, chronic catarrh and constipation as it fills the body with life- giving mineral salts.
    In the case of the all-fruit Diet , one should take three meals a day of fresh, ripe juicy fruits such as apples, pears , grapes, oranges, grapefruit,pineapple,peaches,melon or any other juicy fruit in season. Bananas should, however not be taken nor should any other foodstuff be added to the fruits diet. For drinks, plain water or unsweetened lemon water may be taken.

    Curative Properties of Fruits
    Moreover, certain  fruits can combat specific ailments. It should , however be remembered that in  the therapeutic use of any fruits as a treatment for specific disease, nothing except that particular fruit or its juice should be taken in the system at the time of treatment. Thus , when utilizing lemon juice as a food remedy,, the juice should be taken at least half an hour before consuming any other food.
    It has been found that fruit sugars, calcium ,iron , vitamins A,B-complex and C control the gradation of heart energy. Hence , eating fruits like apple ,lemon, orange , and pomegranate can aid the proper functioning o f the heart and keep it healthy even in old age. Fruits like apple, date and mango have a direct action on the central nervous system. The phosphorus ,glutamic acid and vitamins A and B-complex of the fruits  exert a protective and tonic effect on the nerves. Hence , regular use of the these fruits in the diet will sharpen memory and prevent nervous exhaustion, mental tension, hysteria and insomnia.
    All berries, being extremely rich in iron , phosphorous and sodium , are highly beneficial for blood building and nerve strengthening. The lemon can be a good food remedy in case of liver ailments, indigestion and rheumatism. Watermelons make the best kidney cleansers. The water flushes through the kidneys and the traces of various minerals contained in the water act healing agents.
    The soothing qualities o f pineapple  and pomegranates are helpful in catarrh, hay fever and other chronic nasal and bronchial ailments. The common cold may be treated with grapefruit juice. The juice helps rout the infection by activating the organs of elimination.
    Fresh and fully ripe fruits like grapes, apples, bananas and figs are best suited for all brain deficiencies. They contain a superior quality of easily assimilable sugar which transformed into physical energy that refreshes the brain. The kernel of walnut is a positive remedy for weakness of the brain .
    A generous intake of fruits in the diet will enable a person to lead a healthy life. Fruit s  prevent all diseases and keep a person smart, energetic and active all through his life up to the ripe old age.